




by the end of用什么时态

by the end of用什么时态

2023-12-29 16:562112浏览

by the end of 表示“到……结束前”,通常用于完成时态(包括现在完成时和过去完成时)。We will have learned English for eight years by The end of this year.

by the end of用什么时态

by the end of 表示“(从之前的某个时间点开始)到结束为止”,前面用完成时态,如

They had finished their work by the end of last Friday. 过去完成时

They will have finished their work by the end of tomorrow. 将来完成时

at the end of 表示“在结束的那个时间点”,前面不用完成时态,可用一般过去时、一般将来时等,如

They finished their work at the end of last Friday. 一般过去时

They will finish their work at the end of tomorrow. 一般将来时

in the end, at the end of 和by the end of辨析

(1) at the end of 表示“在……的末端,在……的 尽头”,既可以用来指时间,又可以用来指空间。如:

There is a new bookstore at the end of the road.


My father will come back at the end of this month.

我爸爸在本月底回来。 (时间)

(2) in the end意为 “最后,终于”,等于finally。 注意它后面没有of。如:

After 3 months’ hard work ,they finished building the museum in the end. 


(3) by the end of 表示“到……结束前”,通常用于完成时态(包括现在完成时和过去完成时)。如:

I will have learned 3000 English words by the end of this year.


They had lived in Hefei for 20 years by the end of last year. 



1.at the end (of) 在(……的)末端。

The film is less interesting at the end.电影的末尾没那么有趣了。

You’ll seea hospital at the end of the street. 在街的尽头,你可以看到一家医院。

At the end of the film,we were all moved to tears.电影结束时,我们都感动得掉下了眼泪。

2. be at an end 结束,终结。

The World War Ⅱwas at an end in 1945. 第二次世界大战1945年结束。

3. by the end of 到结束时,到末尾时。

We had studied 3000 English words by the end of last week. 到上个月底, 我们就已学了3000个英语单词。

By the end of the passage, you’ll have got the meaning of these words. 等你读完这一篇文章时,你就会得出这个词的意思了。

4. come (draw) to an end 结束,完结。

When did the World War Ⅱ come to an end ?


The year is drawing to an end. 一年快结束了。

5. make an end of sth 结束或除掉某事物。

Let‘s make an end of this boring discussion.


We must make an end of this pile of work.


6.no end of 无数的。

What you did has caused us no end of troubles.


7.on end 不停地,连续地;竖立,竖着。

He played basketball for hours on end. 他连续打了几小时篮球。Can you place the log on end. 把这根木头竖着放好吗?

8. put an end to sth 结束某事。

Chinese people put an end to the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1945.中国人1945年结束了抗日战争。

We put an end to thatsilly action. 我们终止了那种愚蠢的行动。

9. without end 永远的,没有完结的。

We had trouble without end because of your foolish thoughts.由于你的愚蠢的想法,我们的麻烦没完没了。

10.in the end 最后,终于。

In the end,she married a rich boss. 最后她嫁给了一个有钱的老板。If you try many times , and in the end you’ll succeed. 如果你多次努力,最后你会成功的。

11. end to end 头并头,尾并尾,首尾衔接。

Place these desks end to end. 把这些桌子一张接一张地放好。



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