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have在表示吃喝的意思时,和eat、drink是同样的用法和意思,比如have a cup of tea等等,但have 强调的是吃喝等行为的结果。


1、have表示“吃”的意思时用于一日三餐,当主语是第三人称单数一般现在时肯定句中用has:(+ n.) to take, to do something。

举例:Do you have tea or coffee in the morning?


What will you have for lunch?



举例:Let's have a drink of tea.



三餐,不加冠词:have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner

食物饮料,注意单复数或者是不可数名词:have an apple,have a cup of tea,have tea,have coffee,have some juice,have something to eat,have some beer have a cigarette


eat、have和take这三个动词都可以当“吃”讲。 但他们的意思或者用法是有不同的。

1、eat的意思是“吃、喝、进食” 以用作及物动词或不及物动词,主要表示把食物放入嘴里咀嚼、吞咽。可以用人或者动物做主语,而宾语一般表示固态食物或者汤。比如:

We eat rice every day.我们天天吃米饭。What does our dogs eat?狗吃什么呢?


Have a cup of coffee.喝一杯咖啡吧。 The old man used to have some cigars after supper.老人过去常常在晚饭后抽雪茄。


They usually take breakfast at six.他们通常在早晨六点吃早餐。再比如:The lady took a glass of water before she began to talk.这位女士喝了一杯水,然后开始讲话。This medicine is not to be taken in the evening.这这种药不可以在晚上服。

3、take表示吃喝的时候,可以跟动词have互换使用。但是take还可以表示“咬一口、吃一口”或者是“呷一口”。比如:Try it, you will like it. Take a bite.尝尝吧,很好吃!就吃一口。Take a sip of my great coffee.啜饮一口我超赞的咖啡吧。

相比较而言,have和take要比eat更加常用。比如说我们可以说:He has/takes a sandwich every lunchtime.他每天中午午饭都吃三明治。也可以说:He eats sandwich every lunchtime.他每顿午饭都吃三明治。

在“吃”和“喝”相对比的时候,我们就eat和drink即可。比如:The boy ate his hamburger and drank a glass of milk.小男孩吃了一个汉堡,喝了一杯牛奶。


句子“他吃了一个鸡蛋。”最好用He ate an egg表达,动词用eat。虽然我们可以用动词have或take,比如:He had an egg或者He took an egg表示,但我们也会想到另外两个意思:他有一个鸡蛋;他拿了一个鸡蛋。因为动词have可以表示“有”,动词take可以表示“拿”。




I have a bike. 我有一辆自行车

She has many friends. 他有很多朋友。

2、have 和其他名词搭配,have无实际意义;

have a try 试一试

have a look 看一看

have a walk 散步

have an idea 有个想法

have a rest 休息

3、have 表示患病

have a cold 感冒

have a fever 发烧

have a headache 头痛

have a toothache 牙痛

You must have a cold, go and see a doctor. 你一定是感冒了,去看医生。

4、have 作为使动词,表示"让”“使”

have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

have sb. doing sth. 让…一直做…

have sth. done 让…(被)做(被动)

She had me clean the room. 他让我打扫房间。

The teacher had me reading the book all the time. 老师让我一直读书。

I will have my hair cut. 我要去理发。(头发是被剪,用的过去分词cut)


have to do sth. 不得不做…(考题中非常常见)

I have to stay at home. 我不得不呆在家里。

had better/best do sth. 最好做…(后接动词原形需要注意)

You'd better wash your clothes right now. 你最好现在把衣服洗了。

You'd better keep quiet. 你们最好保持安静。

have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩的开心,过得愉快

Did everyone have a good time? 大家都玩得开心吗?

We had fun on our vacation. 我们假期都玩得很开心。

We really enjoyed ourselves on the farm. 在农场时我们都玩得很开心。

have sth. to do 有…要做

have nothing to do but do sth. 没什么可做,只有…

I have nothing to do but read. 除了阅读,我没什么可做的。

have … to do with… 与…有关系

He must have something to do with it. 这一定与他有点关系。

二、have 作助动词构成完成时态

have/has + done(过去分词) 构成现在完成时

I have = I've ; you have = you've…

She's = she has / she is; he's = he has/ he is

I have already studied English for 3 years. 我已经学了三年英语了。

Jerry has seen the movie for three times. 这个电影Jerry都看了三遍了。

I have been to Chongqing for 3 times. 我去过重庆三次。

Have you read the book Treasure Island. 你读过金银岛这本书吗?

Yes , I have. No, I haven't.

had + done (过去分词) 构成过去完成时

He told me that he had been to Chongqing for 3 times. 他告诉我他去过重庆三次。



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